Friday, December 2, 2011

Living Room Date Nights

Baylen isn't quite sleeping through the night yet, but he is on a more consistent schedule now, which means we know when he'll go to bed each night. Jake and I have come to learn that the few hours at night after he goes to bed are when we get a little time to ourselves. This week our "living room date nights" consisted of decorating for Christmas. We made some hot chocolate, turned on some Christmas music, and got in the Christmas spirit.

Since we were married (almost four years ago!) I've been collecting St. Nicholas Square houses.

Three stockings this year!


And I couldn't resist snapping some more shots of Baylen this week. He's been smiling more and more, which has been so fun! 

Have a wonderful weekend! We're looking forward to relaxing and some Christmas shopping!


  1. Thanks for the updates! One of the first things I do when I get home from work is to see if there area any new pictures! He is getting so big already! Can't wait til Christmas to give him some grandma loving! Love Grandma Hofmeyer

  2. I love his facial expressions! I miss that kid :)
